Konstfack – Vårutställning 2009 / Degree Exhibition 2009 » The President’s words

The President’s words

Expand your horizons

Please feel welcome to participate in something that is much greater than 160 final degree projects. As a design and art happening, the Degree Exhibition is unique in Sweden and a tradition to which many return year after year. This year’s exhibition is special since we have gathered together, at the same place and the same time, the work of Bachelor’s degrees, as well as the former and new Master’s degrees. The scope – variation of ideas, approaches to problems, implementation and forms – is great. There is also an increase in internationalization, which is visible primarily in our new Master’s program.

The Floral Formula of this year’s graphic profile reflects the affinity that also exists among projects that have originated in different educational programs. Each flower is unique for each project. The flower is used to symbolize the values which each student attaches to his or her project. On the exhibition web site you can use the same tool to search for the groups of projects that interest you. This way the floral symbolism helps to bring common attitudes and creative networks into view.

To be on the threshold of the unknown is a normal state of being within these creative professions, likewise the pressure to achieve something that has never been done before. Whether we like it or not, it means standing on the very threshold of what is unique. One can look backward and at the same time catch a glimpse of the future – in a feeling that has been stored up over years of work and preparation, in a feeling of emptiness and anxiety, but above all in hopes and self-esteem.

Being active in today’s society means standing on a platform that is moving in such a way that makes it difficult to see the consequences. This has always been so, but today’s paths are more open and unpredictable than before. Today’s society requires an ability to broaden, reflect, unite and deepen one’s sights, thoughts, and hand – an ability to expand one’s horizons.

To those of you who are graduating: What you accomplish on your own and thus have to contribute to many in this society – regardless of the arena in which you work – will make an impression. What we have been able to give you is yours – no one can take it from you.

Ivar Björkman

Ivar Björkman. Photo: Ivar Johansson.