Konstfack – Vårutställning 2009 / Degree Exhibition 2009 » Johannes Tolk

Johannes Tolk

Johannes Tolk


Don’t act against what is stated in the constitution.

Can art and design have a positive impact on the resolution of conflicts?

Through the project “Do Not Act Against the Constitution,” I investigated the potential impact of experience design on conflict mediation.

After an intense period of field research in Bulgaria, I developed a set of methodologies that allows Bulgarian sociologists, designers, artists, scenographers and new media specialists to collaboratively introduce new points of view into ongoing debates within the Bulgarian media and everyday life.

These methodologies have an impact on the culture of debate and by that, open space to resolve upcoming and existing conflicts within the society.

Year of birth 1981 Place of birth Stuttgart, Germany
www.tolk-kiryakova.eu / www.donotactagainsttheconstitution.org

Experience Design